Monday, November 18, 2013

Nov. 18th

Movement:  can show actions, or alternatively, the path the viewer's eye follows throughout an artwork. Movement is caused by using elements under the rules of the principles in picture to give the feeling of motion and to guide the viewer's eyes throughout the artwork. In movement an art should flow, because the artist has the ability to control the viewer's eye. The artists control what the viewers see and how they see it, like a path leading across the page to the item the artist wants the viewer's attention focused on.

  • Create a new file (us paper).
  • Create or select a quote and compose a typography poster.
  • Utilize Photoshop and handmade fonts from
  • Apply composition techniques focusing on balance, variety, unity, emphasis, and movement.
  • Complete color wheel & post to Flickr. 

What elements/principles of design can help show movement in a composition?

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