Sunday, November 10, 2013

Nov. 11th

Focus:  What are the analogous colors to green?  Use this interactive color wheel to check your answer and review.  

Interactive Color Wheel

  • Select a portrait for your texture test (get approved).
  • Create a texture palette & rebuild the fruit image using the magic wand tool and self-made textures.
  • Select a piece of cut fruit for your texture quiz (get approved).
  • Create a texture palette & rebuild the fruit image using the magic wand tool and self-made textures.
  • Upload finished assignments to

Review:  In your own words, explain the difference between real and implied/visual texture.

(Please make sure your Evernote is updated.  Final Evernote check for marking period 1 is this week.  Your entries will only be counted if you have the questions & answers. )

Finished??  Study your elements of art & principles of design and color theory by taking these fun online quizzes.
Rags to Riches (Elements & Principles Quiz)
Elements & Principles note cards & quiz

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