Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oct. 17th

Focus:  In your own words, explain the difference between an outline and a contour line.  Identify the images as an outline or a contour line drawings.


  • Complete Circle Zen Tangle.
  • Write both RGB colors in Evernote in a new note.
  • Focus on pattern, repetition, rhythm , movement and texture.  
  • Vary line characteristics & create a lot of detail!!!!
  • Create a 3-line composition using filters and manipulating layer styles.  Review requirements before completing & uploading to Flickr.
  • Upload finished assignments to
  • Choose image for animal zentangle (get approved by Mrs. Cream)
  • Create a contour line drawing of your animal using the pen tool (path). 
  • Separate your drawing into smaller section and create a zentangle design though out your image.
  • Choose a color scheme that compliments your design and animal.

Analyze this painting.  Focus on the color scheme and subject matter.  How does the color scheme reflect the subject matter of this painting?  

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