Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oct. 10th


Warm Colors: Colors made with orange, red, yellow and combinations of them all. As the name indicates, they tend to make you think of sunlight and heat.
Cool Colors:  Colors made with blue, green and purple/violet.  They have the ability to calm and soothe, as well as remind us of water and sky.

  • Complete Circle Zen Tangle.
  • Write both RGB colors in Evernote in a new note.
  • Focus on pattern, repetition, rhythm , movement and texture.  
  • Vary line characteristics & create a lot of detail!!!!
  • Create a 3-line composition using filters and manipulating layer styles.  Review requirements before completing & uploading to Flickr.
  • Upload finished assignments to
  • Choose image for animal zentangle (get approved by Mrs. Cream)

Closure:  Which painting is made with warm colors?

#1                                             #2

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