Thursday, January 23, 2014

Jan. 23rd

Focus:  Please review the instructions before setting up your file for the final exam.  If you've already started, please make sure your file is set up appropriately.

Final Exam File [Instructions]
1. Create a new US Paper file.
2. Copy your image from the internet at full size and paste it into your file.
3. Free transform your image (holding shift to avoid warping) and expand your image to fit your file. 
4. Be sure to match your file orientation to your image. (Ex. a horizontal image should be pasted on a "landscape" file.
5. You should now have a blank background, and a layer 1 (which should be your image).
6. Make your image black and white (Image>Adjust>Black & White)
7. Posterize your image. (Image>Adjust>Posterize)
8. Set your levels to and number between 3 & 5.
9. Duplicate your layer 4 times.  (CTRL-J)
10. Decide if you are going to have a white or black background.  If you choose white, you are already set up.  If you choose black, click on your background layer and dump black in using the paint bucket.  
11. Create folders.  You will create one less folder than you have levels.  (Ex. If you have 4 levels, you should have 3 folders.)  If your background is white, you will not have a white folder.  If your background if black, you will not have a black folder. 
12.  Create a layer in each folder to start.  You may wind up having several layers in each folder. 
13.  See example to compare to your set-up.  This example is is posterized to level 5 with a black background.


  • Demo for Final Exam
  • Select Portrait and get approved

  • Closure:  If you posterize a black & white image to level 4, how many gray tones will you have in your image?

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