Monday, September 30, 2013

Oct. 1st

Is a shape 1D (one dimensional), 2D (two dimensional), or 3D (three dimensional)?  Why?


  • Continue to use the pen tool to create shapes for your Shape-Scape project.
  • Focus on the negative space in your composition as well as the positive space.
  • Be sure to use a variety of shapes (organic & geometric).  
  • Avoid large black shapes that are not consistent with the majority of sizes in your image.

Closure:  In your own words, explain the principle of art, variety.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sept. 30th

Focus:  Read the interview with painter Felice Varini.  In your own words (do not copy & paste) explain what he does and how it relates to the artwork you are creating.
Felice Varini Interview


  • Continue to use the pen tool to create shapes for your Shape-Scape project.
  • Focus on the negative space in your composition as well as the positive space.
  • Be sure to use a variety of shapes (organic & geometric).  
  • Avoid large black shapes that are not consistent with the majority of sizes in your image.

Closure:  What types of shapes does Felice Varini use in his artwork?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sept. 27th

Focus: Are these shapes organic or geometric?  How do you know?

  • Continue to use the pen tool to create shapes for your Shape-Scape project.
  • Focus on the negative space in your composition as well as the positive space.
  • Be sure to use a variety of shapes (organic & geometric).  
  • Avoid large black shapes that are not consistent with the majority of sizes in your image.
  • Printing demo (We will create a border around our shape quiz & print for our class display. DO NOT PRINT UNTIL AFTER DEMO IS SHOWN!!!!  Thanks :)

Closure:  Organic or Geometric? Why?

Hint:  Organic shapes do not have a name.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sept. 26th

Focus: Examine these positive & negative space design.  Create a new "US Paper" file and attempt to recreate one of these designs using the pen tool - shape layers. (Don't upload to Evernote as it will eat up too much of your free memory space.)  I will come around and view everyone's example.

  • Continue to use the pen tool to create shapes for your Shape-Scape project.
  • Focus on the negative space in your composition as well as the positive space.
  • Be sure to use a variety of shapes (organic & geometric).  
  • Avoid large black shapes that are not consistent with the majority of sizes in your image.
  • Printing demo (We will create a border around our shape quiz & print for our class display. DO NOT PRINT UNTIL AFTER DEMO IS SHOWN!!!!  Thanks :)

Closure:  In your own words, describe the difference between organic & geometric shapes.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sept. 25th

Focus Critique this Shape-scape.  Identify 1 area that is successful (explain why), and 2 areas that need improvement (why?).  Answer in Evernote.

  • Continue to use the pen tool to create shapes for your Shape-Scape project.
  • Focus on the negative space in your composition as well as the positive space.
  • Be sure to use a variety of shapes (organic & geometric).  
  • Avoid large black shapes that are not consistent with the majority of sizes in your image.
Closure:  Watch this demo on Negative/Positive Space drawing.  (Keep volume OFF)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sept. 24th

Focus:  Look at these student projects and rate them in order from 1-4. 
1= the one you like the best
4= the one you like the least
Explain:  What qualities does the #1 have that makes it so successful?
What improvements are needed for house #4?

House A
House B
House C
House D
  • Critique student artwork.
  • Continue to use the pen tool to create shapes for your Shape-Scape project.
  • Focus on the negative space in your composition as well as the positive space.

Closure:  Look you your own shape-scape. What area of the composition is the strongest, and why?  What area is the weakest, why? 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sept. 23

Focus:  Explain the function of the eye in this picture.

Be sure these objectives are complete, then select your architectural image for your Shape Test and begin.  You should use the US Paper format.  Rotate your canvas to meet the needs of your composition.

1. Upload Melon Head to Flickr
2. Select a tool for the Shape Quiz
3. Using the Pen tool (shape layers), apply shapes to create a composition.
4. "Save as"  first initial-last name-shapequiz.psd  (Be sure to save in your graphic design folder in your documents).
5. When finished, save as a jpeg and upload to Flickr. 

ClosureCopy the following definition into Evernote (Focus & Closure).  Please date and title your entries.

Negative Space:  The space around and between the subject of an image.
Go to website of artist Tang Yau Hoong.  Look at examples of his work.  Select one image that you find interesting.  Describe how he uses negative space in his artwork.

Go to website of artist Tang Yau Hoong.  Look at examples of his work.  Select one image that you find interesting.  Describe how he uses negative space in his artwork.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sept. 20th

Focus:  Identify each shape as geometric or organic.


1. Upload Melon Head to Flickr
2. Select a tool for the Shape Quiz
3. Using the Pen tool (shape layers), apply shapes to create a composition.
4. "Save as"  first initial-last name-shapequiz.psd  (Be sure to save in your graphic design folder in your documents).
5. When finished, save as a jpeg and upload to Flickr. 

Explain how to make a curved line with the pen tool (shape layers).

Directions for Uploading to Flickr

In Photoshop:

Save your project as a jpeg.
  • Open file
  • File > Save as > 
  • Rename file to firstinitial-lastname-projectname.jpg 
    • Example :Jaime Cream - jcreamcirclezentangle.jpg
  • Change file format to .jpg
  • Hit Save - to save to your documents
  • jpeg options should be (maximum - 12)
In Flickr:
  • Go to
  • Click upload (top of page)
  • Log in: & enter password
  • Click upload photo
  • Add to set
  • Select appropriate class period and  project
  • Hit "Done"
  • You should see...  "public" & "sets"
  • Upload
  • Confirm upload by checking set.


Sept. 19th

Focus: Read & copy the definition into Evernote.

Shape:  When a line crosses itself or intersects with other lines to enclose a space it creates a shape.  Shape is two-dimensional it has height and width but no depth.  Shape is an ELEMENT OF ART.

1. Upload Melon Head to Flickr
2. Select a tool for the Shape Quiz
3. Using the Pen tool (shape layers), apply shapes to create a composition.
4. "Save as"  first initial-last name-shapequiz.psd  (Be sure to save in your graphic design folder in your documents).
5. When finished, save as a jpeg and upload to Flickr.

Closure:  Explain the difference between geometric shapes & organic shapes.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sept. 18th

Focus:  What do these keyboard commands do?
Ctrl -T 
Ctrl -D
Ctrl -C
Ctrl -V
Ctrl -Shift-Z

  • Upload to Flickr
  • Introduce Shape Assignment

What tool is linked to using the space bar?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sept. 17th

Focus:  When using the selection tools, how to you add & subtract from a selection?  What are the key commands?

  • Upload to Flickr
  • Introduce Shape Assignment

Explain the difference in function between the three lasso tools.

1. Continue to work on Melon Head
2. Add to your inspiration note in Evernote.

Sept. 16th

Focus:  What is this tool?  What do you do to get a perfect square?

1. Discuss homework.
2. Finish your "getting to know you" note in Evernote
3. Create an original "veggie head."
4. Review selection tools.

Closure: What is the difference between the magic wand tool & the quick select tool?

Friday, September 13, 2013

Homework - Due Monday

Look at the world around you.  Pay attention to signs, posters, packaging, advertizing.  Select any type of advertizing or graphic design that you feel is effective.

Create a new note in Evernote titled "Homework."  In a short paragraph, explain your answer.  Please provide an image of what you have chosen.

Sept. 13th

What is this tool?  How do you get a perfect circle vs an oval?

1. Complete Practical Pre-Test
2. Finish your "getting to know you" note in Evernote
3. Begin Veggie Head demo

Closure:  What is this tool?  Explain how it works.